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  • gabywantah

El Comienzo 🌞

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Towards the end of 2021, I started creating quarterly personal OKRs for myself where I would create specific Key Results to achieve by the end of the quarter. Reflecting on 3 key areas of my life — Personal Growth (inter and interpersonal), Spiritual Growth, and Professional Growth— I set specific goals for myself to meet in the next 3 months.

As a whole, I found it easier to be consistent in the KRs related to health or faith, but one that has been sitting in my 'ice box" for the past year is the one tied to writing and maintaining a blog. As I go into Q2 of 2023, I decided to finally take this KR out of the freezer and challenge myself to write (and most importantly publish) my thoughts here.

So, here's to the start of (hopefully) even more of my raw thoughts and feelings, published at least once a month, during the first Sunday of each month.

Stay tuned friends.

- G

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